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Watercolor Dog
Painting animals/my dog paintings
Exercise - Dog NOSE/Mouth Painting
Exercise - Reference Photo
Exercise (Nose,Mouth) - What supplies do I need?
Exercise - Color Swatches on a Watercolor Paper
Watercolor Pigments - Alternatives (Holbein vs WN, Holbein vs Schmincke
Everything Else
Exercise - Close up Photos
Exercise - Pencil Sketch - Video Part 1 (6:43)
Exercise - Pencil Sketches for download
Exercise - Creating a Palette - PARTS 2-3 (2:31)
Exercise - Painting Process - PARTS 4-6 (nose) (26:17)
Exercise - Painting Process - PARTS 7-8 (nose) (17:30)
Exercise - Painting Process - PART 9 (nose) (12:21)
Exercise - Painting Process - PARTS 10-12 (nose) (24:12)
Intro - "Collie Dog" - Our MAIN PAINTING
Painting a Collie Dog - Intro Video (6:42)
Art Supplies - "Collie Dog"
What supplies do I need for this class?
Color Swatches on a Watercolor Paper
Everything Else
Reference Photo - "Collie Dog"
Reference Photo
Close up Photos - "Collie Dog"
Close up photos of my "Dog Painting"
Washi - "Collie Dog"
What is "Washi Tape" ?
Adding Washi Tape for a "White Frame" (2:09)
Pencil Sketch - "Collie Dog"
Sketching a Dog Parts 1-3 (24:51)
Pencil Sketches for Download
Our Palette - "Collie Dog"
Creating our Palette/ Color Wheel (2:53)
Dog Painting Process - "Collie Dog"
Parts 1-5 (38:04)
Parts 6-7 (tongue) (16:55)
Parts 8-9 (nose, tongue) (15:12)
Parts 10-11 (eyes, teeth) (14:50)
Parts 12-13 (hair) (11:43)
Parts 14-15 (eyes) (10:11)
Parts 16-18 (hair, adding white gouache) (24:00)
Your finished artwork!
Pencil Sketches for Download
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